In ten years I'm sure we've all done and had things happen to us that we'll never forget. I've been thinking of some of the stand outs in this decade of mine and thought I'd share my list. Here it is:
- Lived in 5 states
- 25 roommates
- Moved 11 times
- 3 jobs
- Almost doubled my income since the start of decade
- Owned 4 cars
- 4 fender benders
- 4 cruises
- Visited 4 countries
- Went to 21 states
- 2 cross country road trips
- 10 surgeries
- Lost 30 lbs in 2 weeks. Gained it all back in 5 years
- Found my style
- Started wearing make up
- Turned 30
- Countless concerts
- Went to prom
- Went up a bra size
- Performed in front of a few thousand people
- 5 funerals
- 2 banjos
- Met all of my closest friends
- Met my sister soul mate
- Watched friend's hearts break
- Watched friends fall in love
- Held friends new borned babies
- Found out God loves me no matter what
- Felt the highest of highs and the lowest of lows
- Never went to jail
- Laughed all along the way
Here's to a new decade that will bring new adventures! CHEERS to you all!