Friday, February 20, 2009

U Can Do It!

I've moved!  After living in the same location for 3.5 years, my yellow personality came out and needed something different.  This something different is very different than what I'm used to but totally worth it.  I'm living with my best friend, her kick ass husband and their adorable 3 year old! Granted, I have my own basement and space, but this is definitely a change!  I'm excited about it and know I'll have fun.

I'll miss my Amy though.  Her and I have lived together for almost 4 years and we've had so many fun times.  We've also had our bad times too, but nothing we couldn't get past.  I'll miss sticking condoms and cigarettes in her scriptures, karaoking at 9am on Sunday mornings, our cleaning frenzies and hosting many parties.   

I love how change brings new adventures and reminds us of the past adventures we've had! Cheers to the next 4 years!!!  Just kidding Sarah, it will only be 3 years! 


Carrie said...

If you were a TRUE Hanson you'd be staying there for free!

The Lingwalls said...

THIS will be fun! :)

Natalie Puikkonen said...

Congrats. Amy informed me yesterday that you moved out. I was surprised I hope that you enjoy it out there.

Gina said...

I Love the condoms and cigarettes routine... If you move in with Ethan and I can you leave cigarette and boozw in a hiding place? I may need them with you and Ethan in the house!

lizzo said...

Welcome, neighbor!!!

You'll have to come swimming this summer.

Achtung Amy! said...

Hanson, you ole sap. I'll miss putting random cotton balls around the house to freak you out. Okay, I only did that once, I learned my lesson. I'll also miss "snow days".

I will, however, NOT miss you beggin me to remove finger nail polish from your nappy snaggle-toof toes. That's now in Sarah's hands...literally.