Sunday, January 25, 2009

Free Psychic Reading

I found something today that I just couldn't resist sharing with anyone who reads this.  This is my kindergarten class picture.  I was 6 years old and apparently knew how to predict my future.  

I found a newspaper clipping from February 8, 1984. This was taken from the Jefferson Star, a small news paper in Rigby, Idaho where I grew up.  The title of the article was 'Kindergarten children reveal plans to make their future spouses happy'.  They pulled a few of us Kindergarten kids from class and the reporter asked us a few questions about our take on marriage. 

The reporter started out by ask each of us what age we thought we should get married.  Several of the kid said their late teens to early twenties.  I on the other hand had to go against the norm and say something totally different.  "Lori Hanson says she'll wait till age 51 because it would be older.  She plans to start her family at 52.  Doug (another kid) said he would marry Lori if she would ever catch up to him.  Regardless of when they plan to get married they all want to make their spouses happy.  Lori says she'll cook turkey dinner and clean the house for her husband."

I'm so excited to know that I have 21 more years of the single life and I can stop worrying about the marriage thing for now!  My only concern is, who wants to marry a 51 year old who still wants kids and will cook a turkey dinner for him?  

All I have to say now is, who needs a psychic reading when they can just listen to their inner 6 year old self!


Carrie said...

I bet there's a lot of dirty old men who would love for you to cook them a turkey dinner. Even if you are menopausal

The Lingwalls said...

And I bet there will be plenty of dirty old men who would love "trying" to give you a family. CUTE LORI!

lizzo said...

That is so funny and I love that even then you were like, "Screw you! I'm not gonna be like you!"

I love that picture of cute.

Kristy said...

I love seeing old pictures of jaded little Looori. You had that same kiss my ass addituded way back when. Jason will marry you at 51 and he loves turkey dinner.

Erica Huff said...

Such a cute story!

Gina said...

I heart that story!! I wish I would've waited until 51!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Gina; wait until you're 51. If I had, maybe I wouldn't have 2 failed marriages!
Everyone is so much more mature and ready to be happy. I'm excited for your future Looori, much less drama than all of us have had! :)

Natalie Puikkonen said...

I have not checked blogs for awhile. This one is great so funny. I love it. Thanks for sharing.