Thursday, February 5, 2009

I'm simplifying my life by cleaning, organizing, and throwing unnecessary items away.  I have a question though.  Like many of you, I have hundreds of compact discs.  I don't use them anymore because I have downloaded all of them on my Ipod.  My question is this, do I keep the cds or do I throw them away?  

I know that my puter could one day crash and I'd lose the music, but I have most of it on my Ipod. The cd's are just in my life to take up space and collect dust.  Are we going to look at them in 10-20 years and have our my children ask what they are?  I know many of our parents kept their 8-track tapes and now have no use for them, so do we do the same?

What would you do?


The Lingwalls said...

Ello! I wouldn't throw them away, I would get a stand, just for the disks. Throw away the cases. The stand is circular with a can just stack the disks on them. That would eliminate more than half of the room it would take to store them with the cases. Your kids need to see mommy's old music collection and silly media devices!

lizzo said...

Yes, I agree. You can get a cd file too and organize them so they are easily found. Don't throw them away. My ipod got ruined and then my computer crashed...I lost everything. Good thing I kept my discs. Certainly throw away the cases need for that crap.

Achtung Amy! said...

Ask yourself,WWMD (What would Michelle do).