Thursday, June 18, 2009


Spiderwave aka "Micro", age unknown, died June 18th just outside of his home.  He was the youngest of 30 and is survived by most of them.  "Micro" had a short but intense battle with cancer. (see previous post)  He will be remembered by many, but missed by none.  

I wish I could write more about "Micro's" life, but to be honest, he scared the shit out of me and I am forever devastated by his escape from the microwave.  So behold....

Dead Micro

So here is the story.  Yesterday our friend in the microwave was acting crazing.  We think he was getting desperate to get out and was in panic mode.  Well that was exactly what he was doing. Tonight I was getting water from the fridge.  As I turned around I saw a big muther effing spider just an inch away from my face, hanging from the ceiling.  I ran downstairs, grabbed some shoes, told Sarah to get her ass in the kitchen and help me.  

I was so freaked out that I couldn't kill him and I made Sarah do it.  We know it was him because he had a tan dot on his butt and the spider in the microwave had the same tan spot.  

As his lifeless body dropped to the ground, we realized it was over.  Our roommate for a few weeks had passed.  In some sick way, I will miss him/her/it.  However I am glad he/she/it got out and experienced freedom for a few short hrs...until we killed the beotch!



The Lingwalls said...

Good riddance effin' spider.

Achtung Amy! said...
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Achtung Amy! said...

DAMN! That is so scary!!! Looori remember when we sat up late one night and googled pictures of spiders last year.....FREAKED US THE HELL OUT! I felt on edge and itchy for weeks!!!!!!! I can't believe the peace you must be feeling to know that Micro (who appears should've been named MEGA b/c of his/her/its size) has passed on. At least you're the one that doesn't have murder on her conscience.