Sunday, July 6, 2008

A Dick Filled Weekend!

This being my first blog, I decided to make it an eye catching one!  This 4th of July weekend was one of the best ones I've had visiting my parents in Idaho.  We spent the 4th in Menan, ID at the city park where the community has food, games and fun.  I saw several people from high school as well as cousins I haven't seen in a long time.  That night Chris and I drove to the top of a hill (where I smoked my first cigarette) overlooking the valley to watch the fireworks in Menan as well as Idaho Falls.  It was so much fun.

Your probably asking why I have a picture of Dick Cheney.  Well on Saturday mom, dad, Chris and I went with Uncle Dick, no not Cheney himself, but my dad's best friend Richard Chapman.  We took Uncle Dick's river boat to the Snake River.  We were going about 50 mph up the river in this jet boat and as we were coming around a corner, we saw 3 row boats right in our way.  A man stood up, yelled at us to slow down while making some sort of waving motion.  We slowed down as fast as we could and turned around to see Dick Cheney fly fishing and several of his secret service men surrounding him.

Yes, my family and I almost ran over ol' Dick with our boat.  Whoops!  Wouldn't that be a  good story to tell the grand kids that their mom was involved in killing the VP of the United States.  Even though I'm not a fan of him or his boss I still am glad we didn't injure him because it totally would have ruined the nice weekend I was having.

There you go people, Looooor's first blog.  I hope you enjoyed it and I hope there will be several more.  


LDeSbian said...

p.s. I didn't smoke my first cigarette on the 4th this yr (which I made it sound like I did). This event took place over 15 yrs ago and I am no longer a smoker. AMEN!

Heather said...

Glad to see you have joined the blogging community! It sounds like you had a wonderful 4th, and so happy to hear that you left our VP alive and well!

lizzo said...

Wow, sounded like a fun weekend until you saw Cheney.

Anonymous said...

I liked your slowclap blog better.

bv said...

anonymous comments suck! regardless i'm just excited you are blogging, crazy lady. i think the green is totally you and could be the inspiration for your next change in toe nail color, no?!

thanks for humoring the kids last night. shell has once again been demoted and right now you reign supreme!

Gregory said...

Was that Dick (Cheney) trying to hook his friend's head with a fishing hook!?

(get it? sorry, bad joke)

Anonymous said...

If you hit him it would be ok. Didn't her shoot someone once by accident. As far as I am concerned two wrongs make a right.

Dave said...

Way to start blogging! Glad you had a good weekend!

Anonymous said...

hay!!!!Iwanta blogyo. but i doubt anyone would comment. right now my niece BREANNNNNA is painting her toe nails red and black woooooeeeee that my life... enjoy yours enstead just now something exciting happened AHUGE fly/bug landed on my HUGE boob!!!now that is something to blog about!!! love annis ps bright pink not red i was rudly told.....

Anonymous said...

Will look for the casket video for Carrot Top