Saturday, July 26, 2008

Signs & Friends

It was a rocky road this week .  I ran into....  I had to  and  .  In the end I chose the right path

and I   all for helping me.   

Seriously, thank you all (you know who you are) for helping me.  We all have rocks in our way and forks in our road, but if we follow the signs I think we can make it just one more day.


Erica Huff said...

I hope you know that if you ever need anything - you can call me! I would love to talk to you more. You helped me through such a difficult time in my life. I only wish I could repay you for all of your love and support. I'm thinking about you.

bv said...

Lori, Sorry it was a rough week. :(
I don't always know what to say or do but know that I can always listen AND I felt like a big jerk at the hospital when I asked you about things. I promise I wasn't trying to be insensitive. I'm just retarded!

You're way strong and I totally admire you (not for teaching my kids bad words) but for making like the NKOTB and hanging tough!

In the mean time, I must tell you that holding a little baby girl always makes everything better so come visit us soon!!!!


PS - I'm' loving the way you rocked out your blog!

The Lingwalls said...

Ha! Thanks for the comment! When I pulled up your blog, Tyler started chuckling at your profile pic!

It was really good to see you too and I highly respect what you are accomplishing! You totally know what you want and how to get there and yes, you have an amazing support system. Michelle was very creative in fooling us into being productive last night! I love to hear your stories and get to know you better!

Stay strong, I know you can do it!

Michelvis said...

you are amazing my little douche and I yu you so much. Except when you have yellow toes. blech.

J said...

Aww come on, the yellow toes were HOT! Okay not as hot as the orange, but they can't be perfect all the time! ;)