Tuesday, July 15, 2008


My blog page is boring!  It needs help!  Who has time during the day to make it look amazing, anyone?  I'm to busy messing around with endless pages of sales reports, what's your excuse? 


Michelvis said...

I'll make you a deal. You take down my Michwhalvis call tag and I'll take down my Lori the drunk one. Deal?

Erica Huff said...

Glad you joined the blogging world. I look forward to keeping up with you more. It's been a long time!! Keep me updated on all the joys of your life. Hope all continues to go well.

Rebecca said...

Well, you could always use your evite background as wallpaper for your blog . . . that would most certainly not be boring, but you'd probably be arrested!

bv said...

you are so overdue! time to get blogging, lady!!! i know that time goes fast but geez...get on it already!

and to think it was just one week ago today that lizzo the lil' tart was prancing around in her crotchless unitard! thanks for letting me share in the giggles!!!