Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Property of the US GOVT, not for sale!

Its days like this when I realize just how much I love the members of my family, especially my good ol' dad!  Its also one of those days when I realize I wasn't adopted and yes, those are my REAL parents!

Let me first of all say that this was the first time I've been on the other side of the surgery process. Usually I was the one being cut up and my dad waiting for me in the waiting room.  I now have a greater appreciation for what my family has gone through over 20 times with all the surgeries I've had in the past.

Today my dad went under the knife to have cancer removed from his prostate area.  We arrived at the VA Hospital at 7am and waited over 6 hours to see him and it was a long 6 hours!  The first thing I saw when I walked into his room was his smiling face.  The first thing he said was 'when can I get some pain meds?'  It was a proud moment to hear those sweet words from my father's mouth.  Like daughter like father!  I have taught him well!  ( I also taught him that when the nurse asks what his pain level is, based on a 1 - 10 scale, that he always should add at least 2 numbers to what it really is.  It gets you drugs faster!)

Later in the evening Mom, Chris,  Carrie and I sat in dad's room just staring at him and chatted. These are moments that I have grown to love because there is bound to be some kind of crass conversation which ends up with Carrie saying how 'dysfunctional' we are and Chris being embarrassed by something that I have said!

As we were sitting there dad had to brag about his doctor telling him he had 'perfect anatomy'.  I was kind of worried because this doctor was a female and who knows if she was referring to his internal anatomy or his external anatomy.  Either way my mom grinned and shook her head in agreement!

The conversation then took a drastic turn towards choch talk.  The definition of choch talk is any conversation that leads to the topic of sex or anyting to do with sex.  Our dear older, more concerned brother asked dad about the nerves that were cut during the surgery and how this affects him.  Dad then said something about maybe not being able to 'perform' or something like that.  Carrie then tells mom, 'well mom, looks like it's time to get you a vibrator'.  I piped in and told dad that sometimes a strap on can come in handy.  He said, 'well there are surgeries to fix this, something to do with a pump.'  This is where it explodes into choch talk.  Mom proceeds to say something about holding the pump during the 'act' and decides to make the noises that one makes during the 'act'!

At this point Carrie is completely discusted and says how dysfunctional we are and Chris makes a comment about how he wished he had never asked about the procedure.  I on the other hand am fully intrigued by this conversation and am so glad to know where I get my dirty-minded personality!

Don't worry, it's not over yet!  As the conversation calms down, an awkward feeling enters the room and dad says "You'll have to start calling me shorty from now on"!!  HA HA HA I won't even tell you what other nicknames that mom and I came up with.  Chris and Carrie just shook their heads and looked kind of sick to their stomachs.

Now you all can understand a little bit more about where I got my amazing personality!  I truly am a product of what happens when Gaylon and Clarene Hanson decided to do the 'act' and make a baby.

Serious note....I love my family with all my heart.  Even though at times we get on each other's nerves (no pun intended).  I am grateful for all of them and for the individual personalities they each have.  Each one of them completes this 'dysfunctional' family making it a perfect dysfunctional unit (again, no pun intended).  I'm also grateful for good doctors and a medical care system that helps our loved ones heal so we can be with each other longer on this Earth!

I love you family!


Erica Huff said...

Hope all continues to go well. Thank goodness for good doctors. Our thoughts and prayers are with your dad. Hope you are doing well also.

Kristy said...

I love your dirty family get together's! I always look forward to the Holidays not for the obvious reasons but so that Looori can report on the things said over the turkey or around the Christmas Tree! God bless the patriarch of the Dirty Hanson clan!

Michelvis said...

This is exactly why I feel that I am also Gaylord and Lurlene's daughter!!! I love your family and so glad you got to be together. I know that is a moment you won't soon forget.

Tell Shorty I hope he's feeling better!

Wendy said...

Thanks for making me smile today...I love family stories! Glad to hear the Gaylord is doing well after the surgery. Poor guy!

lizzo said...

I have been thinking about your family a lot the last couple of days. I love them too. Thanks for the update. And nausea.

bv said...

I hope your dad is doing well! I saw this

and thought of you!