Monday, August 25, 2008

Meine Familie

I heart this family!  I don't say it that often, but I sure do think it every day.  I love how we are all strong, unique individuals and help each other in ways that are not obvious to each other.  

Even though our lives are turning out to be the way we DIDN'T plan, I think it has made us who we are and I love the way we are no matter what!


bv said...

So who is this family? You gotta give us some more info lady!

I'm loving the new's so true to Carrot Top form, no? Your birthday counter is cracking me up too!

You funny.

bv said...

Whoa. I'm dumb. I just read this again. Now I get it. Geez, just pretend I'm not retarded.

Carrie said...

We like you too, thank goodness that old Russian lady dropped you off on our front porch and not the neighbors.

lizzo said...

That is the cutest picture ever! I can't believe how cute you were. WHA HAPPEN?

Achtung Amy! said...

Is Chris holding the family dog or does he have a thing for dolls?

Michelvis said...

One thing I know in that I heart the Hansons!

This picture makes me laugh and laugh...mainly because Lori looks sweet.

Wendy said...

Soo cute LOORI!!!

The Lingwalls said...

Um, that is the best family picture in the world! Seriously! You're damn cute Lori, damn cute!!!