Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Pounced By a Koug!

Koug tagged me on her blog.  In some way I feel violated, but sometimes being violated is a good thing.  So here I go!  We were asked to Google images of the following.

Past Love:  
R.I.P Ram Rod.  This was my first Mazda 3 I owned.  It was orange, had leather seats, and John's throw up on the ceiling.  R.I.P.
My first name:  Lori
I typed in the name 'looooori' and there were several pictures of Amy and Feltcher.  I decided not to post that because I am not the 'sister wife' in that relationship.  Therefore I post this one...
 This reminds me of John Stamos.  (For you Liz)
Middle name:  Ann

I hate these types of pictures because I always think the people in the pictures are not dead and are going to crawl out of it and suck the breath out of me and then my lifeless body is left decomposing on the ground.  

Last Name:  MMMMMBOP!!
Ok, it's really Hanson

What am I doing now:
Well let's start off by what was I doing when I started this darn blog.  I was watching...
and now I'm watching this...
My Age:
What does my age have to do with Jesus eating french fries and washing it down with some booze?!!!!  Either way, I'm still 29 for ....well just look at the birthday booze counter at the top right hand corner.  Wait a minute, Jesus + beer = 29!!  I get it now!!!  I just love it when He sends us a sign like that!  Makes me love the Gospel even more!  (p.s. I'm still sober, so don't be thinking Lori fell off the wagon ok!!)

My Favorite Treat:
  and  .  It's truly orgasmic! 

Place I would like to travel:

Loritab Heaven!!                    

My Favorite Color:
                                                   R.I.P Ram Rod

My Home Town:
Rigby, Idaho
Finding this picture under the words 'Rigby,Idaho' was like doing my genealogy.  I finally have closure to why I liked the bottle so much.   

My Favorite Vacation Spot:
Greece!  Koug, you'll love it!!
My Favorite Food:

Who says this isn't food!!??  Hey, if I can't have a bottle full of Loritab as food, then I'll count Diet Coke as food!

My Favorite Animal:
Persian Cats!!  We once had this cat named 'Buster' who was a Persian.  He was the cutest thing ever.  Even cutter than Dublin and Morley who I currently live with.  
R.I.P Buster

Britta you were right, this was a long post!  I still had a good time doing it though.  Thanks for pouncing me Koug!!  Now I'm going to tag some others.  Melvis, Carrie and Reba.  (Reba, it's about time you posted something!)


Kate said...

Really? Your favorite color is orange? I never would have guessed.

bv said...

Dude, could you be any funnier?! I'm just stoked I got an honorable mention in your blog...whoa, I'm pathetic...except I'm not the one watching Golden Girls (but that beats out the giggling Gilemore Girls, right?)

Mostly, I'm just excited that you blogged and really I can't wait to see Carrie's run down!!!

Kristy said...

I love the Golden Girls that is so us when we get older. I can't wait till we're all divorced or widows living together in Fl. Ours will be a little diffrent we will have one homo roomie!

lizzo said...

Oh my gosh....this is a crack up. Jesus drinking much more Lori can you get?

Carrie said...

Like I don't have a job to hunt for...