Thursday, August 28, 2008

Damn it Amy!!!

Amy, why did we spend time online looking up spiders and comparing what the difference was between a Wolf spider and a Hobo spider?  After you left the basement I was just minding my own business when I saw the carpet move.  I said 'OH NO YOU DID'NT'!!!  I quickly grabbed my flip flop and ran over to see what the H it was.  I know it wasn't a Hobo, but the little bastard was a wolf spider.  After I killed it, I sprayed the basement with my spider killer spray.  Let's just hope that keeps them away for at least another week.


bv said...

ew nasty. those pics are going to give me nightmares for weeks, seriously. i had heard something about a spider infestation so after reading your post i went looking for info on it. nothing came up but i did find this little gem (so watch yourself while shopping for 80's attire!)

Michelvis said...

There was an infestation! Check with Amy!!!

Achtung Amy! said...

Its totally true. I got out the shower this morning and though I didn't have my contacts in, I could see a little whiley spider making his way down from the ceiling...dangling from a web! What the? Look, I didn't jinx us. I just armed you with info to protect yourself. Needless to say that little guy is danging inside of the sewer now.