Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sweet Feet

I know I'm no Koug, but I snapped this picture of Adtonight (well her feet anyway).  Melvis says she has never seen me latch (no pun intended) onto a child like I do Adi, but for some reason I just like seeing this cute little baby!  Maybe my eggs are dying or maybe my 18 year old mentality is catching up to my soon to be 30 yr old body. (don't forget my big 3 0 in just a few short weeks) Either way, kids are growing on me and I'm proud of it!!

There is just something about looking at a new face and wondering what they are thinking about. Probably Adi thinks I'm this crazy blonde, and saying to get the eff away from her!  I hope Britta's sweet child isn't thinking the eff word already because then that means that I truly am the girl who teaches her kids 'bad words'.  Side note:  Her 2 other children refer to me as the one who 'teaches us bad words'!  All I did was say the word 'douche'!  How bad is that?  It's a body wash, a cleansing product, and a term of endearment for me.  Those kids will thank me one day.

ANYWAY!!  I just wanted to thank Britta for letting me into her sweet families world.  It's been good for me to be around such innocence and love.  Thanks lady!!


bv said...

awww! looori, ou do have a heart! that's so cute!

so you need to be careful as you can't be the funniest CC girl AND the best photographer!!!

i yuv yu <3

bv said...

thanks for coming over! i so appreciate the offer to clean but much prefer to hang out AND i totally got a coke out of it ;)

you rock and i can't wait to see you rock drag queen style...purple rain baby, purple rain!

Achtung Amy! said...

Morleigh just gave me the bird. Wonder who she learned that one from. Hm.

Michelvis said...

I love how you captured Adi's snaggle toes. She is precious indeed and probably thinking eff...I hate blondes.

The Lingwalls said...

Will take a pic of my feet??? Will you come over and teach my kid dirty words?