Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Reason I Just Might Vote For Obama

Amy Reynolds...and it has nothing to do with her gender.  I first heard about her back in 1999 and was really not impressed with her political views.  I'm glad Obama was wise enough to not have her vote for him.  There is still hope for this conservative!!!  P.S.  I'm only voting for Obama to piss  Amy off.                                                                                                                                                                         


The Lingwalls said...

I effin LOVE YOU! Lori for Presidente!

Michelvis said...

And that's the exact face you'll get when she sees this post too. You are my little Carol Burnett. I heart you.

RIP Amy who used to be fun and laugh.

lizzo said...

LMAO!!!! Seriously I think I peed a little.

Carrie said...

Oh no you didn't

Achtung Amy! said...

LOL. You are still the funniest 29.99998 year old that I know.

PS - that is the ONLY good reason to vote for Obama. Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

I totally just spit water on the keyboard. Effing hilarious.