Thursday, October 9, 2008

Rumors Holding Hands

Rumors can damage people.  They can also provide for hours and hours of non stop laughing.  I heard a good rumor today and I just couldn't resist in sharing it!  I was talking with a high school friend of mine tonight.  I hadn't spoken with her for at least a year and were catching up on our jobs, families, and friends from back home in Rigby, ID.

She told me that one of our close friends  from back home was rumored to be a Lesbian.  I was a bit confused considering that this person is pregnant and I had spoken with her recently and never had the thought that she was lesbian.  I asked the friend, who I was talking to tonight, where she heard such a rumor.  She said that someone had seen this person on the 4th of July at the city park holding hands with another woman.  

I busted out laughing because I was that other woman she was holding hands with!  Her and I were at a small town 4th of July festivities and we thought it would be funny to hold hands and walk around.  We knew we would get some looks and that rumors would start flying. 

Now, I had completely forgotten about that day until tonight when my friend mentioned the story.  I just love how a simple act of holding hands would turn into rumors of girl on girl action!

Once again, rumors can damage people..... but they can also be the source of hours of laughing!


bv said...

Oh man! I hope that nobody saw us holding hands in the parking lot on the way into Noodles lastnight...or that other time at the Gallivan center...or maybe the time you were cuddled up with Uyen on my couch...hey wait a minute, there's a pattern here Looori!!!


Carrie said...


lizzo said...

Yes, I remember a rumor you tried to start about me. Something about being prego with Joe's baby? That was a good one.

Dave said...

I always suspected something was up with you...

Monica Hill said...

Hmmm do I know the girl you where holding hands with??

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you have a blog, for I am working on one. You know who I am for I am the one who told you about the rumor I heard. You know you have to laugh, for we have been gone from Idaho for how long and when you still hear rumors about yourself, there is nothing but laughs for hours long. I heart you pink Lady!