Friday, September 26, 2008

Change Means Jumping!

I have been thinking about change lately.  I thought about joining the Coast Guard, the Navy, cutting my hair or even just joining a book club.  But as luck would have it Carrie came to me with just the change I needed.  I woke up this morning to a text message from her saying that she was thinking of jumping.... out of an airplane.  I immediately called her and said "I'm in"!! 

I went to work for a few hrs and didn't do much because I was so excited for the jump!  Carrie met me out by my work and we headed out to Tooele.  I'll be completely honest and say that I was not nervous.  Mainly because there wasn't enough time to be nervous!  This wasn't planned, it was just executed! 

I'd give you all the details, but the pictures tell it all!  Oh, and there is a video too, we'll try to post it on the blog for you to watch..... if you dare!

p.s.  The rush from jumping out of the plane and falling 125 mph towards the earth was the most amazing feeling I've ever had.  Well next to the feeling of serving a mission and seeing people's life change because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Love my goggles!
Sisters that skydive together, have big boobs together.

This is the best shot EVER!!!  
We did the 'Gator' out of the plane.  It's a backflip.

At this point I'm thinking, 'how do I breath with this much air shooting up my nose'.


Notice the camera guy. I'm holding onto his ankles. 

The not so Great Salt Lake.

My landing

Mom & Dad, we lived!!!  We are your kick ass kids!


Erica Huff said...

Looks so awesome! I have always wanted to do that. But do you actually see me doing that? Probably not. Good luck with all the change. Keep it on the ground this time!

Dave said...

you rock the free world!

The Lingwalls said...

Holy crap! The video was so amazing! You want to go today? Naked...of course!

lizzo said...

I seriously cannot believe you did this. You are awesome. Next time call me...and I'll make some excuse why I can't go.

Anonymous said...

Lori, you have more guts than i was born with! You not only rock the free world, you rock all the world. Let's see, i guess your thinking went something like this..."Today, i will jump out of a plane, with no bungy cord of course, and land with my head still attached to my shoulders. Then next week, i will kill a rattlesnake with my bear hands, only after running a few fire lines somewhere in a national forest." What a treat you are to the world. Dont ever change!!!
Bryan G.

Natalie Puikkonen said...

These pics are so great. What a great adventure you go. I was going to do that once but it rained the day we were going to go so it's never happened.