Saturday, September 20, 2008

80's Prom 08

Who knew turning 30 would be so much fun!  One thing that I know for sure is that if dancing my way into the 30's is the way to start, then I'll continue to dance my way threw life.  I also know that I have the best friends that could have entered into my life in my early 20's.  They put so much work into this prom and it totally paid off!!  

The weeks leading up to prom were actually hard for me.  I am usually the one to help plan parties and know every detail.  Not knowing a thing about this party was so hard.  It was also hard not to be able to hang out with my friends the week of the prom.  Every time I'd call Michelvis she would say she was busy doing prom stuff and couldn't talk, and if I was in the room with her or the other party committee members, they would whisper and tell me to cover up my good ear!  

Prom seriously was totally awesome and rad!  My date aka my brother, picked me up at 7:50.  He gave me a dozen roses and we took some pictures.  He then drove me, mom and Janelle to prom.  Now who goes to prom with their mom in the back seat?!!!  This wasn't your normal prom, so I guess we did.  We stopped at the local 7 11 to get a drink.  As I was walking out to the car, mom was talking to some drunk man and inviting him to the party.  He asked if he could hug the birthday girl and she said yes.  The man fondled me for a moment and then went into the store.

Arriving at prom, I saw several cars in the parking lot, a balloon arch and a host of people waiting at the entrance of the venue!  All of them were dressed up in their best 80's prom outfit!!  The room was filled with crate paper, pictures of me, a disco ball and off to the corner was a professional photographer with a prom themed background for pictures.

We spent so much time taking pictures and laughing at each others outfits.  There was some amazing dancing to be had, with some minor costume malfunctions, and some good cookies and punch to go along with it!!

The highlights of the night were the following:

- Michelle's awesome homemade dress
-John showing up with a VHS recorder and announcing that this would be in the video yearbook
-Gaylord & Lurlene coming and dancing the night away (aka Mom & dad)
-My date ditching me on the first slow dance to dance with Frew.  WTF!!!!???
-Dancing with Jason & Steve, both whom are married
-Being crowned prom queen
-Having Amy teach us the dance to "Thriller"
-Going to Belgium Waffle after prom and getting stared at

Thank you all who worked so hard on this party.  Words can not express how much I love you girls for this.  Thanks to DJ Issac, the warehouse staff, the cookie makers, photography crew, clean up crew, and all of those who attended.  THANKS FOR MAKING THIS THE BEST 30TH BIRTHDAY EVER!!

I love you all!

Prom Queen, Prom Mom, Prom Sis

John the 'Yearbook Video boy'

Liz & Hot Steve
Prom Queen & Janelle
Prom Dad & Prom Mom
Can't have prom without someone throwing up!
Prom King & Queen

Professional photos will be posted soon.  


Erica Huff said...

Looks like so much fun! You do have great family and friends. Happy 30th! How are you going to top this party? That is amazing!

lizzo said...

I can't believe I didn't even notice Gaylord's amber-vision glasses!!! SWEET!!!

LDeSbian said...

The funny thing is that Gaylord wears those all the time!!!

Heather said...

Wow, what a way to start your 30s! That sounds like it was the most fun ever. I love your dress and hair. I hope you had a great birthday!

bv said...

LOVE the picture of you clutching the throne!!!!! glad you had such an amazing 30th b day AND i'm glad i got to hang out with you while your girls prepared/decorated!!

your new background is great! thanks for the visit last night!