Thursday, October 30, 2008

I don't really understand the process of death and why people are taken when they are.  I do know that this morning a friend of mine from UPS passed away in her sleep.  Martha was in her mid 20's and was an AMAZING woman.  I remember when I met her she told me she already had 3 kids and she was only 22!!  I could not understand why someone would get married so young and have so many kids by that age.  Married at the young age of 16 to her soul mate, they had 5 kids together, the youngest being just 2 months old.  Martha always said she wanted a whole village and was not done having kids!!!

Even though I only spent a few short years with her, I grew to love her so much.  She was so much wiser and mature beyond her years and I think I now realize why.  How amazing it was that she could bring 5 beautiful children to this earth.  She accomplished more in her short 20 something years than some people do in 80 years.

We'll miss you Martha.  Thank you for everything you did on this earth!   


bv said...

It's not something that makes sense but it is ALWAYS according to His wisdom.

Unfortunately that doesn't make anyone feel a whole lot better right now and my heart aches for the little ones she leaves behind.

I'm sorry for your loss.

Heather said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. She sounds like she was an amazing woman. What a great tribute you gave her on your blog.

lizzo said...

I still cannot believe this happened. It is still so shocking to me. I know you were closer to her than I was so I am sorry for you but she truly was so much fun and always happy. The world is a darker place without her I'm afraid.

Anonymous said...

:*( I am still having a hard time with this. I had fun with you guys at lunch after the services. I needed those laughs. Especially the one about the get well balloon.