Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hot Night!!

Last Thursday I was able to spend time with my favorite co-workers from UPS.  Even though we all hated working there, so many good things came from our time there.  I met some of my very best friends there.  One of them even met their husband at UPS.  

Many years ago John, Liz, Koug and I used to do what we called 'Hot Night'.  Once a week, we would go to Koug's apartment and eat hot food and get in the hot tub.  It was soon named 'Hot Night' because of the hot food, hot tub and hot us!!  With all of our lives being so busy and full of changes in the past few years, we haven't done hot night in so long.  Last Thursday was the Hot Night reunion!  It was so much fun!

Our sweet homo made damn hot chili and by the time we were done eating it we were all naked. That was the hottest chili I've ever had!!  I think I lost 5 lbs from sweating it out!  All in all it was a great night catching up on lives and laughing about the stupidest things.  I love you guys and can't wait to do more hot nights in the future!

I didn't have any recent photo's of all of us and as some of you can see, we have changed!!  I'd like to say that we are Hotter now!!


lizzo said...

It seems like those pictures were just taken. I can't believe how much has changed but that we're still friends.

Love you!

Wendy said...

oh, I remember hot night....that was a good time.

Kristy said...

I love US! We have all changed for the better I think. We are a lot hotter now! Can't wait till the next hot night. Koug