Friday, November 14, 2008

Say goodbye to the Blondie and hello to the new Looori!

When I mentioned in September that I felt change was coming, I thought it meant jumping out of an airplane.  Come to find out, that was not it!  After seeing SJP in the 'Sex in the City' movie, I realized that I needed to change my hair color.  This was the result!

P.S.  The straight hair is NOT long term.  I'm not so much a fan of straight hair.  I feel that it takes away from my AMAZING personality.  So if you see me, chances are it will be curly.  But for tonight, it's straight.  That and it will be going darker in a few weeks.

I heart change!  ;)


Kate said...

Gorgeous. I love it! That color looks great on you. Very natural.

lizzo said...

I'm gay for you.

Anonymous said...

You make me want to leave YOU dirty comments. Hey when you coming over. We miss you! Brikelle birthday is Sat we are makeing ginger bread houses and we are watching the game at 4:00 let me know. You can even bring a date. ;)
Love ya

The Lingwalls said...

Holy hotness! I know Johnny boy beat me to it, but yes, SOOOOOOO TORI!

Wendy said...

You look famazing......rrarr