Sunday, November 23, 2008


Tonight was our annual "Gobble, Gobble:  Eat Til You Puke" night with the girls and John.  John hosted this year which was FAMAZING!!  His home is to die for and I think I'm moving in next week!  It was a great night with great food.  Michelle cooked the bird Mexican style and it was so tasty.  Natalie brought her family tradition, Cinnamon pineapple, which sounds weird but actually is really good.  Of course there were amazing rolls, stuffing, pie and taters!  I think I speak for everyone when I say, "how do I teach myself to throw up?"  Can't wait til next year!!

The Host & I
The 'Adult' table
The 'Kid' table
Amy, Me & Chris
The Koug & John
Liz, Looori & The Koug

I'm craving pie!


Kate said...

Thank you for inviting me! I had so much fun and of course I am 5.5 lbs fatter than I was before I came. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving on Thursday and try not to trash my house and drink all my liquor, k?


LDeSbian said...

You DO have liquor in your house huh!!! SWEET!!! I can't wait to get drunk with the sibs & the rents!!! Have a great Gobble Gobble day with the kids and travel safe!

lizzo said...

Um...I should be craving a smaller pants size...check out the size of that rump!

Achtung Amy! said...

Great post Lori...but my sweet potatoes are sad that they didn't get a shout out.

Nic said...

Ahhh, so fun! Happy late Turkey Day!