Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I'm in Love.....with Music

Christmas came early this year, and it came several times.  Some of my favorite bands released new albums and there are a few more to come!  I also discovered new musicians from one of the most FAMAZING movie soundtracks ever!  Here is my list:

  • Snow Patrol
  • The Killers
  • Shiny Toy Guns (My favorite at the moment)
  • The Twilight Soundtrack (Seriously the best soundtrack ever)  From this soundtrack, I found some great musicians!
  • Paramore (on Twilight soundtrack)
  • Blue Foundation (Also a Twilight)  This band should be called 'Sex'.  It's just sexy music and I love it!
  • Robert Pattinson (Twilight & Edward)  This guy can't act (my opinion) but he CAN sing!  He doesn't have anything released besides the one song on the soundtrack, but if you YouTube him, you'll hear more.  His voice is so good!
Since I'm talking music, let me list a few of my old favorites that I've been listening to.

  • Smashing Pumpkins
  • Alanis Morissette
  • The Cranberries
  • Tori Amos 
  • Michelle and Lowder singing Babs & Celine
Good music is the cure for a bad day, a good day and any ol' day.  What's your cure all music?


Carrie said...

Sometimes my cure is The Cure.

Heather said...

My cure is Josh Groban. His voice is amazing. It is the cure for any mood. Well, maybe not a hyper-want-to-dance mood. If that's the case then, the Momma Mia soundtrack.

And, how come I'm not on your list of those that blog?

lizzo said...

Different times call for different music. If I'm feeling down or lonely I love a little Rosie Thomas. It's like she UNDERSTANDS me.

If I'm in a great mood I love some classic rock.

And if I'm angry it's usually Disturbed or other angry music.

The Lingwalls said...

Ok, how is ours almost identical?

New: 1) Shiny Toy Guns...or The Shinies
2) Twilight Soundtrack...Eyes on Fire by Blue Foundation my fav!
3) Twilight Soundtrack...Paramore Decode...second best!

Old: 1) Lori with a T, the Torster, the one and only Tori know that!
2) Deftones...doesn't get any better for angry or sad moods!
3) Garbage - Miss Manson, she rules!

Achtung Amy! said...

There is just one band...NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK (and you thought I was going to say U2).

They are always begging me not to leave (Please Don't Go Girl), making me feel good about myself (Favorite Girl), telling me to keep my chin up (Hangin' Tough), telling me to CTR (The Right Stuff), singing about American's Next Top Model (Cover Girl) or how they will love me for the eternities (I'll Be Lovin' You Forever).

Why need others when every mood is taken care of?

LDeSbian said...

Nice play on words Amy!! And Lingwall, stop copying me!!!

Kristy said...

Neil takes my cares away!