Monday, December 8, 2008

Effing A Cotton, Effin A!

I admit it, I have a fear of cotton!  I know it's odd, but it's my fear.  I remember when I watched this episode.  It was like watching someone barf all over the floor.  It made me sick and I had to close my eyes.  I don't know what started this fear but I think it has to do something with all the surgeries I've had and the cotton I would have in my mouth.  That gave me the chills just writing this down. GROSS!  

My friends have not been the most supportive of this fear.  In fact, my kind loving roommate shunned me just this evening.  I needed to paint my toe nails and I ran out of the cloths that I use to remove the nail polish.  I asked Amy if she would use some cotton and remove the polish from my toes.  You would think Amy of all people would be so kind and help a sister out, but NOOOOO she would have nothing to do with it.  Another time also included Amy.  I came home one night to find an ass load of cotton balls in my bed!  It was like seeing snakes crawl all over the place. WTF Amy, WTF!!!  Oh, and how about just last Friday when I was helping Michelle decorate her Christmas tree.  She came at me with a bag of cotton balls and I about shit myself!

People, I'm serious about this phobia.  It 's real and I'm not the only one who has it.  Please do me a favor and have some sympathy for me, OK!


Misty said...

Hey Lori!
You can stalk my blog any time you want. I took a few minutes and looked at yours too. Sorry about the cotton fear. I have a fear of eyes staring at me with a menacing look, and my old roommate had a fear of puppets. Tell Amy to be nice. :)

lizzo said...

Ummm...okay, I'll cut you some slack if you promise to NEVER make me walk through a revolving door.

Dave said...

So is the napkin phobia related to the cotton one?

Heather said...

Sorry about your phobia, and how mean of your roommates! I saw the Maury with the girl with the phobia of pickles, and the guy on there that helps with phobias, was a guy my husband use to fly with. He told Matt that those phobias were real, and ever since I don't judge anyone for the phobias!

Anonymous said...

So here is the deal! I can't stand to touch cotton balls at all for I get the chills. Going to the Dentist and when they put some cotton thing in your mouth to wipe up the blood, I have to breath fast and deep for I just can't take the feeling of it. Not sure if its from the surgery's I have had or what, but its gotten worse since I have had kids.
I feel for you..


Achtung Amy! said...

Lori...I was kind enough to get you some gloves to wear to take off your own toe nail polish.

And what about my phobia of your stanky arse feet?? Why does it always have to be about you.