Sunday, December 14, 2008

One Ear Is Better Than No Ear!

It's days like this when I wish I had 2 working ears.  I seem to have developed a nice painful ear ache today.  Being deaf in one ear is sometimes a great thing, but today is not that day. When the 'good ear' is not working, there is nothing I can do about it.  Every noise sounds like I'm standing in a tunnel and can't hear much.  On top of that, I have Tinnitus, so I have a constant ringing in my ear.  This developed at the beginning of this year and I have slowly become used to it, but sometimes it keeps me awake at night.  

Since I'm complaining, I have another really annoying problem.  When I listen to music on my headphones, I sometimes don't hear all the music.  This is because some songs/artist split the music into both headphones.  For example, if I have the left earphone in, I hear the words and the drums.  Or I may hear the bass and the background singers.  This can be extremely frustrating, but can also help me to appreciate the bass players and background musicians.  Perfect example is the song 'California Dreamin' by the Mamas and the Papas.  If I put on the headphones, I hear the following:  'sky is gray......... walk on a winters day.........I'd be safe at home......L.A......... California dream'n......winters day'.  It took me the longest time to make any sense of that, until I realized that there was more to the song than what I was hearing!!  Who knew!!!!

Ok, so there is some good things with being deaf in one ear.  The best is when I'm trying to sleep and there is noise around me.  All I have to do is roll over and lay on my good ear.  Another benefit is that I have developed 'selective hearing' and can block out what people are saying if I'd rather not listen to them.

So should I really be complaining about this ear ache? Maybe I'll go listen to some soothing 'sky is gray....winter's day' music!


lizzo said...

Okay, I've noticed that about some tunes too. I think it's old tunes. Like The Beatles and The Stones, I think it's the way old tunes were recorded?

Anyway, sorry about your good ear.

Carrie said...

I heart you...if I could I'd give you one of my ears :) I'd say that I'd come over and do the mom trick but it involves cotton and I know that would just make it worse.

Kristy said...

I love that you are able to ignore people, even though I know that I am one that is ignored at times. Good to see your long flowing brown hair last night. I heart Looori!

Kate said...

Did you light your ear on fire yet? No? Why not?