Tuesday, December 16, 2008

If I Had a Kid...

He would be like this kid! This is Tyler and boy do I think he is the cutest thing ever! His mom told me today that he said something very funny.  She was putting him in the car and she said to him 'Ty, you are funny'.  He replied by saying 'No, You're funny, and so is Lori'!!  

I was so shocked that he even remembered me!  I've spend some time with him in the recent weeks and as a 3 year old, I didn't think he would remember much.  Plus, his mom has the worst short term memory ever and I just thought he would be like her.  So I almost teared up when she told me what he said today.  So cute!  I want to keep him!

That's him in the picture wearing my snow cap that everyone hates.  Apparently he wasn't to happy I made him wear it. 


Carrie said...

Come on, there's not a 3-year-old ou there who doesn't think you're hilarious!

The Lingwalls said...

LORS! So cute that you posted about Ty! Yes, he loves you! I didn't think anybody could make that hat look good, who knew?

The Lingwalls said...

Ok, so he has said it two more times! Wha? I'm not funny anymore? He so loves you more!