Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Smashing Christmas Already!

No better way to start Christmas break than to get in a car wreck!  My poor car (less than 1 year old) has been in 2 wrecks, both of which were NOT my fault.  The one that happened tonight was pretty good!!!  

I went over to Michelle's to help her and Lingwall wrap gifts for their friends and family.  We wanted to get some food, so I offered to drive.  On our way home, we were driving in Michelle's neighborhood when we notice a 1995 Honda AKA Tank on the side of the road.  I thought it was parked but OH NO... that Beotch was flipping an illegal U turn and didn't see me!  I didn't have time to stopped and for a split second I thought I would plow right into her.  However, for some reason I decided to try and avoid it.  It didn't really help because as I turned the 'Tank' kept moving and smashed into the passenger side of my car.  I couldn't stop and ended up plowing into....ok sliding into a shrub.

This wasn't the shrub, but I would feel so bad if I ran over a family of deer shrubs like this one! Anyway, our friendly Murray City cop showed up to scope out the damage.  Unfortunately he was married so he wasn't scoping me out even though we offered him pizza, beer and Michelle's phone number.  
I'm just thankful that my car still runs, no one was hurt except Michelle's shoulder which I'll be rubbing it for the next month to make up for using her as a air bag, and I'm thankful for insurance. Let's just hope her insurance is good to work with or else I'll sick Michelle on them!!  

On a happier note, I wish you all a very merry Jesusmas and He wants all of you to drive safe and enjoy the holidays!


Erica Huff said...

Merry Christmas! I'm glad no one was injured.

lizzo said...

Oh man...poor Ramrod II.

Carrie said...

All I can say is:

"2009 OWES US"

The Lingwalls said...

I still can't believe it happened! The way you jumped out of the car, I thought a fist fight was going down! Ugh...dumb broads!