Wednesday, September 10, 2008

30 Lessons in 30 Years


1.) Taking the short way out of my mom's stomach may have not been the best idea.  She has the scares to prove it!
2.) Dog food doesn't taste good.
3.) Wearing make up is a good thing.
4.) Parents really do have our best interest in mind.
5.) My 4th grade teacher taught me that my sense of humor was a good thing and to use it often.
6.) Guardian angels are real.  I met mine several times while lying in a hospital bed.
7.) Rubber cement and matches are a great way to keep a teenager  busy while growing up in small town, Idaho.
8.) If you find good friends, don't do anything to loose them.
9.) I was born to play the banjo.  Now I just need to practice at it.
10.) Just because my mouth was wired shut and I had a hole in my neck didn't mean I had to stop laughing.
11.) God don't make no junk!
12.) Serving a mission for 18 months was where I learned who I truly was and should be.
13.) Watching others make mistakes has helped me to not make the same mistakes.
14.) It's OK to cry.
15.) 2ply toilet paper is worth the extra money
16.) Kidney punching my sister when I was young was a stupid thing to do.  Sorry Carrie.
17.) The biggest mistake I ever made was the same one that brought me closer to God.
18.) I wasn't adopted!
19.) Children can be so mean to other children, but adults can be even meaner to other adults.
20.) My family can be my friends too.
21.) Life doesn't always turn out the way I'd like it to, but it does turn out the way it should.
22.) I'm too pretty to do math.
23.) Almost dying sometimes doesn't make us change our lives, but trying to take our own life will.
24.) God will not fail us.
25.) Playing pranks on others with my mom is better than playing pranks ON my mom.
26.) Making short term goals has helped me in the long term.
27.) I should have studied harder in school.
28.) Being 30 and single isn't a curse, it's a blessing.
29.) Leaving my biggest mistake behind me in my twenties is going to be better than taking it with me into my thirties.
30.) I still have more lessons to learn!


Erica Huff said...

All are wonderful! I loved the "i'm too pretty for math." Hilarious! Happy 30th!

lizzo said...

Happy Birthday, Looori. You are one of my best friends and it's because you've never let anything or anyone change who you are. You are such a warm, caring person and I appreciate and love you very much.

I hope you have a great day today and I'll see you at the prom sucka!!!

Carrie said...

No need to apologize for the kidney punches, I totally did you wrong as a child. I'm a bitch. That should have made the list: "my sister's a bitch". You're one of my heros, I'm glad we didn't give you away (as much as I begged the rents to do that!)

Kristy said...

I love you Looori I am so happy that you started talking to me after ignoring me because you thought I was a RM. You truly are one of the best people that I know you have been through so much in your short life, and have some of the most twisted and best advise ever!! I am glad that my son has you as an aunt. Love you long time.

Achtung Amy! said...

Ha ha, you thought Koug was an "RM"? Ha ha ha ha!

Hey, where is my "I'm Too Pretty To Do Math" t-shirt?

Lori, that was a pretty deep post, don't you go maturing on us.

Your mom's vagina says "long time no're old".

Welcome! The 30's are great!

Lover you Lorvis!

Achtung Amy! said...
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bv said...

You'll always be my favorite visiting teacher!

I really, really wanted to be an ars and call you in the early morning but opted not to as you call me an ars way too often as it is but apparently Shellbait is the ars, the bigger one even though she doesn't have one.

Alas, I digress. Happy Birthday!

Roll'in with the Rowley's said...

H2 would be so proud to see you have listed #3 on your top 30! You've come a long way baby LOL! I can't wait till Saturday. I think I finally got a dress. YAY for me.

Michelvis said...

Oh my little tender Lorvis. I freaking love you and would do just about anything for you. You are such a strong person..stronger than you even realize and you inspire me all the time...and you're the funniest bastard I know.

P.S. Koug an RM? Has hell frozen over?